International Business Review Paper of the Year

Giovanna Magnani and Antonella Zucchella have been awarded the International Business Review Paper of the Year Prize for the paper “The logic behind foreign market selection: Objective distance dimensions vs. strategic objectives and psychic distance” published in International Business Review, vol. 27, issue. 1, pp. 1-20, 2018 (with Dinora Eliete Floriani, Univali, Brazil)

The International Business Review (IBR) – EIBA’s flagship journal published by Elsevier – offers the IBR Best Journal Paper of the Year Award and accompanying money prize for the best IBR article (published in the previous year’s volume) in terms of enhancing the field of International Business research in the future. As of 2006, the IBR Award is officially announced and presented at the EIBA Annual Conference award ceremony.


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