Working Papers Series 2014

#96 (11-14) – Calabrese R., Elkink J.A., Giudici P. Measuring Bank Contagion in Europe Using Binary Spatial Regression Models (DEMWP0096)
#95 (10-14) – Giorgi G., Jiménez B., Novo V. Some Notes on Approximate Optimality Conditions in Scalar and Vector Optimization Problems (DEMWP0095)
#94 (10-14) – Giorgi G. Again on the Farkas Theorem and the Tucker Key Theorem Proved Easily (DEMWP0094)
#93 (10-14) – Forlani E. Financial Reliability and Firms’ Export Activity (DEMWP0093)
#92 (10-14) – Castagnetti C., Rossi E., Trapani L. Testing for no factor structures: on the use of average-type and Hausman-type statistics (DEMWP0092)
#91 (09-14) – Capelli C., Vaggi G. Why Gross National Disposable Income should substitute Gross National Income (DEMWP0091)
#90 (09-14) – Botta A., Godin A., Missaglia M. Finance, Foreign (Direct) Investment and Dutch Disease: The Case of Colombia (DEMWP0090)
#89 (09-14) – Botta A. The Macroeconomics of a Financial Dutch Disease (DEMWP0089)
#88 (09-14) – Castagnetti C., Rossi E., Trapani L. Inference on Factor Structures in Heterogeneous Panels (DEMWP0088)
#87 (09-14) – Cerchiello P., Giudici P. Conditional graphical models for systemic risk measurement (DEMWP0087)
#86 (09-14) – Cerchiello P., Giudici P. Financial big data analysis for the estimation of systemic risks (DEMWP0086)
#85 (09-14) – Anokhina M., Penikas H., Petrov V. Identifying SIFI Determinants for Global Banks and Insurance Companies: Implications for D-SIFIs in Russia (DEMWP0085)
#84 (07-14) – Rampa G., Saraceno M. Beliefs and Precedent: The Dynamics of Access to Justice (DEMWP0084)
#83 (07-14) – Baiardi D., Bianchi C., Lorenzini E. Food competition in world markets: some evidence from a panel data analysis of top exporting countries (DEMWP0083)
#82 (07-14) – Fantazzini D., Maggi M. Proposed Coal Power Plants and Coal-To-Liquids Plants: Which Ones Survive and Why? (DEMWP0082)
#81 (06-14) – Bertoletti P., Etro F. A General Theory of Endogenous Market Structures (DEMWP0081)
#80 (06-14) – Flamini A., Milas C. Open-economy Distribution Forecast Targeting, Macroeconomic Volatility and Financial Implications (DEMWP0080)
#79 (06-14) – Etro F., Rossi L. New-Keynesian Phillips Curve with Bertrand Competition and Endogenous Entry (DEMWP0079)
#78 (05-14) – Tramontana F., Avrutin V. Complex endogenous dynamics in a one-sector growth model with differential savings (DEMWP0078)
#77 (05-14) – Pace S. Risk of loss towards an agent based model (DEMWP0077)
#76 (04-14) – Avrutin V., Sushko I., Tramontana F. Bifurcation structure in a bimodal piecewise linear business cycle model (DEMWP0076)
#75 (04-14) – Giorgi G., Zuccotti C. Some Extensions of the class of K-matrices: A Survey and Some Economic Applications (DEMWP0075)
#74 (03-14) – Baiardi D., Bianchi C., Lorenzini E. The price and income elasticities of the top clothing exporters: Evidence from a panel data analysis (DEMWP0074)
#73 (03-14) – Vaggi G., Stefanini S. On open identity; otherness, distance and self-command; Smith and the view of justice (DEMWP0073)
#72 (03-14) – La Croce C., Rossi L. Endogenous Entry, Banking, and Business Cycle (DEMWP0072)
#71 (03-14) – Etro F., Rossi L. Staggered Price Setting, Bertrand Competition and Optimal Monetary Policy (DEMWP0071)
#70 (03-14) – Giorgi G., Zuccotti C. Considerazioni Didattiche sui Sistemi Omogenei di Equazioni Differenziali Lineari del 1° Ordine a Coefficienti Costanti (DEMWP0070)
#69 (02-14) – Cerchiello P., Giudici P. How to measure the quality of financial tweets (DEMWP0069)
#68 (02-14) – Florio A., Gobbi A. Learning the Fiscal-Monetary Interaction under Trend Inflation (DEMWP0068)
#67 (02-14) – Bianchi C., Lorenzini E. The growth performance and prospects in the Euro area: a balance-of-payments approach (DEMWP0067)
#66 (01-14) – Castagnetti C., Rossi E., Trapani L. A Two-Stage Estimator for Heterogeneous Panel Models with Common Factors (DEMWP0066)
#65 (01-14) – Bagna E., Di Martino G., Rossi D. An anatomy of the Level 3 fair-value hierarchy discount (DEMWP0065)
#64 (01-14) – Figini S., Maggi M. Performance of credit risk prediction models via proper loss functions (DEMWP0064)
#63 (01-14) – Ahelegbey D., Giudici P. Hierarchical graphical models, with application to systemic risk (DEMWP0063)